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Online Webinar
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If you’re buying technology or building it, you’ll want to spend an hour on this recorded webinar. Featuring practical advice from a civic technologist and self-proclaimed “procurement nerd,” Dave Zvenyach shares his research and thinking on how to combine modern best practices like agile and DevOps with performance-based contracting techniques to answer the question, “what does successful digital service delivery look like?”

Citing the General Services Administration’s Steps to Performance Based Acquisition (SPBA) model and groundbreaking research from the book Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps, Dave contrasts the old way of measuring software delivery performance (which focused on outputs) with a new framework proposed by Accelerate’s authors that emphasizes outcome measures. This framework fits perfectly with the principles of performance-based acquisition, giving procurement professionals the foundation they need to structure contracts for software delivery in a manner consistent with modern best practices.

Dave speaks from his experiences as a long-time civil servant, software developer, and now independent consultant, and has written extensively on these topics and the acquisition field in general.

Check out the full recording below and get updates from Dave on this and more.



Dave Zvenyach
Zvenyach LLC
