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thoughts on Dr. Kelman’s recent article – soft touch airbnb suggestion

I wrote this comment after reading Dr. Kelman’s article - “Kudos – superb article. Light touch advantages over harsh bureaucracy. Applies equally to both public and private sector. At the heart of Dr. Kelman’s observation is actionable 360-degree feedback that essentially measures trust. While ethical behavior is necessary to build trust it is not sufficient to sustain trust. Additionally, earned preferential treatment is also a function of both commercial and technical competence along with superior relationship acumen and tenure”.

I had wanted to attach an article suggesting a rationale with holistic metrics for the usually squishy topic of relationships – but I am too technologically challenged – so I’ve attached it here, framed as illustrative goals.

Finally, since I had to start another thread, I offer some thought-starters for relationship enablers – can these concepts be operationalized/trained?

  • For a relationship to survive, both parties come to believe that the other will do what they say.
  • For a relationship to advance, both parties must find a way to be comfortable with the risk of being open and vulnerable.
  • Your ability to influence the other party is shaped by their perception of your willingness to help them meet their needs.

I can’t remember who I stole the above from – sounds like Bob Parker.

Joe Sandor
Michigan State University
Lecanto FL
(517) 488-8931


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